{ "rasterFunctionInfos": [ { "name": "None", "description": "A No-Op Function.", "help": "", "functionType": 0, "thumbnail": "" }, { "name": "Color Ramp", "description": "Outputs a rendered raster.", "help": "", "functionType": 0, "thumbnail": "" }, { "name": "Hillshade", "description": "Generates a grayscale model of a terrain with the sun's relative position taken into account for shading the terrain.", "help": "", "functionType": 0, "thumbnail": "" }, { "name": "Multidirectional Hillshade Z Factor 1", "description": "Multidirectional Hillshade Z Factor 1", "help": "Multidirectional Hillshade Z Factor 1", "functionType": 0, "thumbnail": "" }, { "name": "Hillshade with scale factor 5", "description": "A raster function template.", "help": "", "functionType": 0, "thumbnail": "" }, { "name": "Slope", "description": "creates slope from statewide - z factor 1 - scalling is degree", "help": "", "functionType": 0, "thumbnail": "" }, { "name": "Slope_Percent", "description": "0.3048 z factor, percent slope", "help": "", "functionType": 0, "thumbnail": "" } ] }