To acquire QL2+ lidar detailing surface elevation data, vegetation, and building rooftops for use to support the 3DEP mission, the FEMA Risk MAP program, NRCS agricultural conservation practice planning in support of the Illinois Nutrient Loss Reduction Strategy and the Mississippi River Basin Initiative, NPS studies of the Illinois and Michigan Canal National Heritage Corridor and USACE hydrologic studies of the Fox River Basin. Classified LAS files are used to show the manually reviewed bare earth surface. This allows the user to create Intensity Images, Breaklines, and Raster DEM. The purpose of these lidar data was to produce high accuracy 3D hydro-flattened Digital Elevation Model (DEM) with a 2 foot cell size. These lidar point cloud data were used to create intensity images, 3D breaklines, and hydro-flattened DEMs as necessary. |
To acquire QL2+ lidar detailing surface elevation data, vegetation, and building rooftops for use to support the 3DEP mission, the FEMA Risk MAP program, NRCS agricultural conservation practice planning in support of the Illinois Nutrient Loss Reduction Strategy and the Mississippi River Basin Initiative, NPS studies of the Illinois and Michigan Canal National Heritage Corridor and USACE hydrologic studies of the Fox River Basin. Classified LAS files are used to show the manually reviewed bare earth surface. This allows the user to create Intensity Images, Breaklines, and Raster DEM. The purpose of these lidar data was to produce high accuracy 3D hydro-flattened Digital Elevation Model (DEM) with a 2 foot cell size. These lidar point cloud data were used to create intensity images, 3D breaklines, and hydro-flattened DEMs as necessary. |
Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), United States Geological Survey (USGS), Illinois Department of Natural Resources - Office of Water Resources (IDNR-OWR), |
["Data","Service","Image Service","ArcGIS Server"] |
<DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>Product: These lidar data are processed Classified LAS 1.4 files, formatted to 8241 individual 2000 foot x 2000 foot tiles; used to create intensity images, 3D breaklines and hydro-flattened DEMs as necessary. Geographic Extent: LaSalle County, Illinois, covering approximately 1,148 square miles. LaSalle County is one area of interest (AOI) from a lidar survey that was collected over two (2) areas of interest in Illinois identified as LaSalle and Expansion Counties. LaSalle and Expansion Counties cover a total of approximately 2,563 square miles. Dataset Description: LaSalle county, Illinois 2017 Lidar project called for the Planning, Acquisition, processing and derivative products of lidar data to be collected at a nominal pulse spacing (NPS) of 0.5 meter. Project specifications are based on the U.S. Geological Survey National Geospatial Program Base Lidar Specification, Version 1.2; Quality Level 2+. The data was developed based on a horizontal projection/datum of NAD83 (2011), State Plane Coordinate System Illinois East (FIPS 1201), US Survey Feet and vertical datum of NAVD88 (GEOID12B), US Survey Feet. Lidar data was delivered as flightline-extent unclassified LAS swaths, as processed Classified LAS 1.4 files, formatted to 8241 individual 2000 foot x 2000 foot tiles, as tiled Intensity Imagery, and as tiled bare earth DEMs; all tiled to the same 2000 foot x 2000 foot schema. Ground Conditions: Lidar was collected in November 2017, due to an isolated anomaly found in the the lidar data one re-flight was flown in April 2018, while no snow was on the ground and rivers were at or below normal levels. In order to post process the lidar data to meet task order specifications and meet ASPRS vertical accuracy guidelines, GRW Aerial Surveys, Inc. established a total of 53 ground control points of which 50 were used to calibrate the lidar to known ground locations established throughout the LaSalle and Expansion Counties project areas. An additional 157 independent accuracy checkpoints, 89 in Bare Earth and Urban landcovers (89 NVA points), 68 in tall Grass/tall weeds/crops, Brush lands/short trees, Forested categories (68 VVA points), were used to assess the vertical accuracy of the data of the entire project area. These checkpoints were not used to calibrate or post process the data.</SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV> |
<DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>None. However, users should be aware that temporal changes may have occurred since this dataset was collected and that some parts of these data may no longer represent actual surface conditions. Users should not use these data for critical applications without a full awareness of its limitations. Acknowledgement of the U.S. Geological Survey would be appreciated for products derived from these data.</SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV> |
IL_LaSalle_DSM_2017 |
Image Service |
https://isgs-datagis1:6443/arcgis |
["Model","LAS Point Cloud","Classified LAS","Swath LAS","Remote Sensing","Elevation Data","Lidar","Digital Elevation Model","Breaklines"] |
en-US |
IL_LaSalle_DSM_2017 |
NAD_1983_2011_StatePlane_Illinois_East_FIPS_1201_Ft_US |