Latitude and longitude tics (3)
State boundaries (4)
County boundaries (5)
Shaded relief (7)
| High : 254 - Low : 0 |
Elevation (8)
| -95.02851868 - 300 |
| 300.0000001 - 400 |
| 400.0000001 - 500 |
| 500.0000001 - 600 |
| 600.0000001 - 700 |
| 700.0000001 - 800 |
| 800.0000001 - 900 |
| 900.0000001 - 1,000 |
| 1,000.000001 - 1,100 |
| 1,100.000001 - 1,200 |
| 1,200.000001 - 1,300 |
| 1,300.000001 - 1,400 |
| 1,400.000001 - 1,500 |
| 1,500.000001 - 1,600 |
| 1,600.000001 - 1,700 |
| 1,700.000001 - 1,800 |
| 1,800.000001 - 1,900 |
| 1,900.000001 - 2,000 |
| 2,000.000001 - 4,136.949219 |
Shaded relief (10)
| High : 254 - Low : 0 |
Elevation (11)
| -95.02851868 - 100 |
| 100.0000001 - 200 |
| 200.0000001 - 300 |
| 300.0000001 - 400 |
| 400.0000001 - 500 |
| 500.0000001 - 600 |
| 600.0000001 - 700 |
| 700.0000001 - 800 |
| 800.0000001 - 900 |
| 900.0000001 - 1,000 |
| 1,000.000001 - 1,100 |
| 1,100.000001 - 1,200 |
| 1,200.000001 - 1,300 |
| 1,300.000001 - 1,400 |
| 1,400.000001 - 1,500 |
| 1,500.000001 - 1,600 |
| 1,600.000001 - 1,700 |
| 1,700.000001 - 1,800 |
| 1,800.000001 - 1,900 |
| 1,900.000001 - 2,000 |
| 2,000.000001 - 4,136.949219 |
Shaded relief (13)
| High : 254 - Low : 0 |
Surficial Geology (14)
| Alluvium |
| Loess |
| Colluvium, residuum, or saprolite |
| Clayey and silty lake deposits |
| Sand and gravel lake deposits |
| Slack water lakes |
| Sheet sand |
| Dune sand |
| Outwash |
| Ice-contact deposits and till |
| Ice-contact sand and gravel |
| Clayey end moraine |
| Clayey ground moraine |
| Loamy end moraine |
| Loamy ground moraine |
| Lake deposits |
| Outwash |
| Ice-contact sand and gravel |
| Clayey to loamy till |
| Loamy end moraine |
| Loamy ground moraine |
| Lake deposits |
| Loamy till |
| Water |
Shaded relief (16)
| High : 254 - Low : 0 |
Bedrock Geology (17)
| Quaternary |
| Tertiary |
| Cretaceous |
| Permian |
| Pennsylvanian |
| Mississippian |
| Devonian |
| Silurian |
| Ordivician |
| Cambrian |
| Precambrian |
| Paleozoic (undifferentiated) |
| Water |
Contours (21)
Shaded relief (22)
| High : 208 - Low : 118 |
Elevation (23)
| High : 927.06 - Low : -1469.75 |
Contours (27)
Shaded relief (28)
| High : 222 - Low : 142 |
Elevation (29)
| High : 1522.31 - Low : -4623.32 |
Contours (33)
Shaded relief (34)
| High : 195 - Low : 160 |
Elevation (35)
| High : 834.765 - Low : -6602.27 |
Outcrop areas (37)
Contours (40)
Shaded relief (41)
| High : 254 - Low : 0 |
Elevation (42)
| High : 397.291 - Low : -29035.5 |
Contours (46)
Isostatic gravity anomaly (47)
| -54.02001953 - -44.888289 |
| -44.88828899 - -39.90734507 |
| -39.90734506 - -34.09624382 |
| -34.09624381 - -29.94545722 |
| -29.94545721 - -25.79467061 |
| -25.7946706 - -22.47404133 |
| -22.47404132 - -18.73833338 |
| -18.73833337 - -15.4177041 |
| -15.41770409 - -12.09707482 |
| -12.09707481 - -10.02168151 |
| -10.0216815 - -7.94628821 |
| -7.946288209 - -5.455816246 |
| -5.455816245 - -2.135186962 |
| -2.135186961 - -0.059793659 |
| -0.059793659 - 4.090992946 |
| 4.090992947 - 7.826700891 |
| 7.826700892 - 11.56240884 |
| 11.56240885 - 15.29811678 |
| 15.29811679 - 18.20366741 |
| 18.20366742 - 21.93937535 |
| 21.93937536 - 48.50440963 |
Map 10: Magnetic Anomaly (48)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
folds (52)
faults (53)
detailed faults (54)
faults and folds (56)
| fault |
| fault and monocline |
| fault and syncline |
| folds |
folds (58)
faults (59)
faults (61)
Earthquakes 1973–2014 (63)
| 2.000000 |
| 2.000001 - 2.500000 |
| 2.500001 - 3.000000 |
| 3.000001 - 4.125000 |
| 4.125001 - 5.000000 |
| 5.000001 - 6.000000 |
| 6.000001 - 7.000000 |
| 7.000001 - 8.000000 |
Earthquakes 1804–1972 (64)
| 2.500000 - 3.000000 |
| 3.000001 - 4.000000 |
| 4.000001 - 5.000000 |
| 5.000001 - 6.000000 |
| 6.000001 - 7.000000 |
| 7.000001 - 8.000000 |