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Legend (Geology/OIINK)

Latitude and longitude tics (3)
State boundaries (4)
County boundaries (5)
Shaded relief (7)
High : 254 - Low : 0 High : 254 - Low : 0
Elevation (8)
-95.02851868 - 300 -95.02851868 - 300
300.0000001 - 400 300.0000001 - 400
400.0000001 - 500 400.0000001 - 500
500.0000001 - 600 500.0000001 - 600
600.0000001 - 700 600.0000001 - 700
700.0000001 - 800 700.0000001 - 800
800.0000001 - 900 800.0000001 - 900
900.0000001 - 1,000 900.0000001 - 1,000
1,000.000001 - 1,100 1,000.000001 - 1,100
1,100.000001 - 1,200 1,100.000001 - 1,200
1,200.000001 - 1,300 1,200.000001 - 1,300
1,300.000001 - 1,400 1,300.000001 - 1,400
1,400.000001 - 1,500 1,400.000001 - 1,500
1,500.000001 - 1,600 1,500.000001 - 1,600
1,600.000001 - 1,700 1,600.000001 - 1,700
1,700.000001 - 1,800 1,700.000001 - 1,800
1,800.000001 - 1,900 1,800.000001 - 1,900
1,900.000001 - 2,000 1,900.000001 - 2,000
2,000.000001 - 4,136.949219 2,000.000001 - 4,136.949219
Shaded relief (10)
High : 254 - Low : 0 High : 254 - Low : 0
Elevation (11)
-95.02851868 - 100 -95.02851868 - 100
100.0000001 - 200 100.0000001 - 200
200.0000001 - 300 200.0000001 - 300
300.0000001 - 400 300.0000001 - 400
400.0000001 - 500 400.0000001 - 500
500.0000001 - 600 500.0000001 - 600
600.0000001 - 700 600.0000001 - 700
700.0000001 - 800 700.0000001 - 800
800.0000001 - 900 800.0000001 - 900
900.0000001 - 1,000 900.0000001 - 1,000
1,000.000001 - 1,100 1,000.000001 - 1,100
1,100.000001 - 1,200 1,100.000001 - 1,200
1,200.000001 - 1,300 1,200.000001 - 1,300
1,300.000001 - 1,400 1,300.000001 - 1,400
1,400.000001 - 1,500 1,400.000001 - 1,500
1,500.000001 - 1,600 1,500.000001 - 1,600
1,600.000001 - 1,700 1,600.000001 - 1,700
1,700.000001 - 1,800 1,700.000001 - 1,800
1,800.000001 - 1,900 1,800.000001 - 1,900
1,900.000001 - 2,000 1,900.000001 - 2,000
2,000.000001 - 4,136.949219 2,000.000001 - 4,136.949219
Shaded relief (13)
High : 254 - Low : 0 High : 254 - Low : 0
Surficial Geology (14)
Alluvium Alluvium
Loess Loess
Colluvium, residuum, or saprolite Colluvium, residuum, or saprolite
Clayey and silty lake deposits Clayey and silty lake deposits
Sand and gravel lake deposits Sand and gravel lake deposits
Slack water lakes Slack water lakes
Sheet sand Sheet sand
Dune sand Dune sand
Outwash Outwash
Ice-contact deposits and till Ice-contact deposits and till
Ice-contact sand and gravel Ice-contact sand and gravel
Clayey end moraine Clayey end moraine
Clayey ground moraine Clayey ground moraine
Loamy end moraine Loamy end moraine
Loamy ground moraine Loamy ground moraine
Lake deposits Lake deposits
Outwash Outwash
Ice-contact sand and gravel Ice-contact sand and gravel
Clayey to loamy till Clayey to loamy till
Loamy end moraine Loamy end moraine
Loamy ground moraine Loamy ground moraine
Lake deposits Lake deposits
Loamy till Loamy till
Water Water
Shaded relief (16)
High : 254 - Low : 0 High : 254 - Low : 0
Bedrock Geology (17)
Quaternary Quaternary
Tertiary Tertiary
Cretaceous Cretaceous
Permian Permian
Pennsylvanian Pennsylvanian
Mississippian Mississippian
Devonian Devonian
Silurian Silurian
Ordivician Ordivician
Cambrian Cambrian
Precambrian Precambrian
Paleozoic (undifferentiated) Paleozoic (undifferentiated)
Water Water
Contours (21)
Shaded relief (22)
High : 208 - Low : 118 High : 208 - Low : 118
Elevation (23)
High : 927.06 - Low : -1469.75 High : 927.06 - Low : -1469.75
Contours (27)
Shaded relief (28)
High : 222 - Low : 142 High : 222 - Low : 142
Elevation (29)
High : 1522.31 - Low : -4623.32 High : 1522.31 - Low : -4623.32
Contours (33)
Shaded relief (34)
High : 195 - Low : 160 High : 195 - Low : 160
Elevation (35)
High : 834.765 - Low : -6602.27 High : 834.765 - Low : -6602.27
Outcrop areas (37)
Contours (40)
Shaded relief (41)
High : 254 - Low : 0 High : 254 - Low : 0
Elevation (42)
High : 397.291 - Low : -29035.5 High : 397.291 - Low : -29035.5
Contours (46)
Isostatic gravity anomaly (47)
-54.02001953 - -44.888289 -54.02001953 - -44.888289
-44.88828899 - -39.90734507 -44.88828899 - -39.90734507
-39.90734506 - -34.09624382 -39.90734506 - -34.09624382
-34.09624381 - -29.94545722 -34.09624381 - -29.94545722
-29.94545721 - -25.79467061 -29.94545721 - -25.79467061
-25.7946706 - -22.47404133 -25.7946706 - -22.47404133
-22.47404132 - -18.73833338 -22.47404132 - -18.73833338
-18.73833337 - -15.4177041 -18.73833337 - -15.4177041
-15.41770409 - -12.09707482 -15.41770409 - -12.09707482
-12.09707481 - -10.02168151 -12.09707481 - -10.02168151
-10.0216815 - -7.94628821 -10.0216815 - -7.94628821
-7.946288209 - -5.455816246 -7.946288209 - -5.455816246
-5.455816245 - -2.135186962 -5.455816245 - -2.135186962
-2.135186961 - -0.059793659 -2.135186961 - -0.059793659
-0.059793659 - 4.090992946 -0.059793659 - 4.090992946
4.090992947 - 7.826700891 4.090992947 - 7.826700891
7.826700892 - 11.56240884 7.826700892 - 11.56240884
11.56240885 - 15.29811678 11.56240885 - 15.29811678
15.29811679 - 18.20366741 15.29811679 - 18.20366741
18.20366742 - 21.93937535 18.20366742 - 21.93937535
21.93937536 - 48.50440963 21.93937536 - 48.50440963
Map 10: Magnetic Anomaly (48)
Red: Band_1 Red: Band_1
Green: Band_2 Green: Band_2
Blue: Band_3 Blue: Band_3
folds (52)
faults (53)
detailed faults (54)
faults and folds (56)
fault fault
fault and monocline fault and monocline
fault and syncline fault and syncline
folds folds
folds (58)
faults (59)
faults (61)
Earthquakes 1973–2014 (63)
2.000000 2.000000
2.000001 - 2.500000 2.000001 - 2.500000
2.500001 - 3.000000 2.500001 - 3.000000
3.000001 - 4.125000 3.000001 - 4.125000
4.125001 - 5.000000 4.125001 - 5.000000
5.000001 - 6.000000 5.000001 - 6.000000
6.000001 - 7.000000 6.000001 - 7.000000
7.000001 - 8.000000 7.000001 - 8.000000
Earthquakes 1804–1972 (64)
2.500000 - 3.000000 2.500000 - 3.000000
3.000001 - 4.000000 3.000001 - 4.000000
4.000001 - 5.000000 4.000001 - 5.000000
5.000001 - 6.000000 5.000001 - 6.000000
6.000001 - 7.000000 6.000001 - 7.000000
7.000001 - 8.000000 7.000001 - 8.000000