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Service Description: This is an ESRI feature class showing boundaries for physiographic divisions in Illinois. Data are originally from ISGS Report of Investigations 129 by Leighton et al., 1948. The physiographic divisions of Illinois are divided into the following: Provinces, Sections, and Divisions. (The annotations are in the companion shapefile IL_Physio_Regions_1993_Anno_Ln). Scale is 1:3,00,000 to 1:3,100,000.
This data set records information about the physiographic divisions of Illinois. The data set was digitized so that it could be included as an inset map on the 'Shaded Relief Map of Illinois', ISGS OFS 1995-6, reissued as IMAP 6.
Map Name: Physiographic Regions
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Description: This is an ESRI feature class showing boundaries for physiographic divisions in Illinois. Data are originally from ISGS Report of Investigations 129 by Leighton et al., 1948. The physiographic divisions of Illinois are divided into the following: Provinces, Sections, and Divisions. (The annotations are in the companion shapefile IL_Physio_Regions_1993_Anno_Ln). Scale is 1:3,00,000 to 1:3,100,000.
This data set records information about the physiographic divisions of Illinois. The data set was digitized so that it could be included as an inset map on the 'Shaded Relief Map of Illinois', ISGS OFS 1995-6, reissued as IMAP 6.
Full Metadata
Copyright Text: Illinois State Geological Survey
Spatial Reference:
Single Fused Map Cache: false
Initial Extent:
XMin: -1.0479150980095603E7
YMin: 4648205.427932616
XMax: -9448009.935870908
YMax: 5277559.905207995
Spatial Reference: 102100
Full Extent:
XMin: -1.0210069267595446E7
YMin: 4398764.648818613
XMax: -9644148.240401067
YMax: 5258032.758202429
Spatial Reference: 102100
Units: esriMeters
Document Info:
Title: Physiographic Divisions of Illinois
Author: Leighton, M. M., G. E. Ekblaw, and L. Horberg
Comments: This is an ESRI feature class showing boundaries for physiographic divisions in Illinois. Data are originally from ISGS Report of Investigations 129 by Leighton et al., 1948. The physiographic divisions of Illinois are divided into the following: Provinces, Sections, and Divisions. (The annotations are in the companion shapefile IL_Physio_Regions_1993_Anno_Ln). Scale is 1:3,00,000 to 1:3,100,000.
This data set records information about the physiographic divisions of Illinois. The data set was digitized so that it could be included as an inset map on the 'Shaded Relief Map of Illinois', ISGS OFS 1995-6, reissued as IMAP 6.
Subject: Physiographic Divisions of Illinois
Keywords: Physiographic,Divisions,Provinces,Sections,Plains,geology,geomorphology
AntialiasingMode: None
TextAntialiasingMode: Force
Supports Dynamic Layers: true
MaxRecordCount: 1000
MaxImageHeight: 4096
MaxImageWidth: 4096
Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON
Supports Query Data Elements:
Min Scale: 0
Max Scale: 0
Supports Datum Transformation: true
Child Resources:
Dynamic Layer
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