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Legend (Geology/OIINK_LandSurfaceTopography)

Shaded relief (0)
High : 254 High : 254
Low : 0 Low : 0
Elevation (1)
2,000.000001 and over 2,000.000001 and over
1,900.000001 - 2,000 1,900.000001 - 2,000
1,800.000001 - 1,900 1,800.000001 - 1,900
1,700.000001 - 1,800 1,700.000001 - 1,800
1,600.000001 - 1,700 1,600.000001 - 1,700
1,500.000001 - 1,600 1,500.000001 - 1,600
1,400.000001 - 1,500 1,400.000001 - 1,500
1,300.000001 - 1,400 1,300.000001 - 1,400
1,200.000001 - 1,300 1,200.000001 - 1,300
1,100.000001 - 1,200 1,100.000001 - 1,200
1,000.000001 - 1,100 1,000.000001 - 1,100
900.0000001 - 1,000 900.0000001 - 1,000
800.0000001 - 900 800.0000001 - 900
700.0000001 - 800 700.0000001 - 800
600.0000001 - 700 600.0000001 - 700
500.0000001 - 600 500.0000001 - 600
400.0000001 - 500 400.0000001 - 500
300.0000001 - 400 300.0000001 - 400
300 and under 300 and under